Saturday, July 14, 2018

The family show (Le spectacle des familles)

Our final week was spent mostly in preparation for the family show. We completed our course work on Tuesday. Wednesday morning, the students took the closing exam, a duplicate of the opening exam so we can provide data about improvement.

Wednesday afternoon, we didn’t have access to our regular facilities. So we went to a grassy park next to the 17th century chateau with a view over the commercial port to practice our various pieces for the family show.

I can truthfully said that we turned many heads of passers-by. Some of the skits and improvs are a bit outrageous. The musical numbers are great. Imagine the impact on local people to see American high school students practicing all this in an open air park. It was pretty cool.

Thursday morning, the sixth stage of the Tour de France departed from the chateau in Brest. Public transportation was literally cut in half. Thousands of people mobbed the center city of Brest. Therefore, we did not meet in the morning, but had rigorous rehearsals in the afternoon.

Friday we entered the Salle Saint-Louis, a wonderful performance space adjacent to and associated with the cathedral, Cathédrale Saint-Louis. Loïc and I were glad to be back, as last year we had to perform in a different, much less adequate space.

Anyone who has been in a play or has had a student in theatre understands rehearsal week. For us, it was rehearsal day – our first and only time on the boards before the real thing at 8pm that night.

We worked through the acts that felt they needed the most work. There were breaks for fun. Ava and Victoria sang an impromptu duet. Loïc, Ava and Olivia did a rendition of the theme from The Little Mermaid. There were card games. (Monsieur Michel, how do you say “Go Fish” in French?” I had no idea.)

The students had their final lunch at L’Aile Michelet, the cafeteria where we ate lunch every day for five and a half weeks. The students asked to say a collective “Au revoir” to the French equivalent of lunch ladies. They were very pleased.

Then it was back to serious business. Final full dress rehearsal. I chose to do still photos during this rehearsal, and video during the actual performance. The stills are good, but do not do justice to Grace B’s dance performance, any of the singing pieces nor to the final choreography.

I will produce a composite video of the show, as well as short videos of each performance. But that won’t happen until I am back in the states in front of my mega, multi-screen computer. I’ll make sure to share those with you and the students.

The family show performance was really spectacular. The students performed above and beyond what we imagined they could do. For the most part, they created their own performances. We teachers were more coaches. Certainly, Loïc brought the words of the sketches to the students. I suggested the improve games. Victoria guided the music and dance performances.

But the students themselves breathed life into this show. It was moving, funny, interesting, heart rending and awe-inspiring.

Lili started the show with a wonderful talk about the course of the program and the changes they had been through. The next was a hilarious skit by the acting troupe about a woman who fakes being pregnant to cut the taxi line.

Abi F put together an amazing solo singing performance in less than a week that was incredible. My small troupe of Improv actors, Cendy, Davia and Sara did a series of improve skits that were placed between the other acts. That allowed for setup time and some really great moments on stage.

The hairdresser skit with Ava, Charlotte and Sophie produced lots of laughs. Lili and Gabrielle’s duet really inspired the audience. Ava and Sophie did a great parody of an old French comedy series.

Grace’s ballet performance was simply over the top. The tobacco shop skit was so funny, especially when Srija’s character told Erin’s cigarette counter girl character that she was “just like Santa’s elves…but for cancer.”

Esti and Ani sang a traditional Breton song complete with hand gestures. Grace and Jocelyn did another parody of a French comedy series about the rich vs. the poor.

Olivia’s rendition of the French version of the theme from Little Mermaid was astounding. Luc, Roy and Azara’s rendition of a comedy scene that could only be understood by French people was spot-on.

And the choreographed dance number to end the show was spectacular. Special kudos to Abi F, who created much of the choreography, Grace B, who knew how to teach it, and to Abby L, who took the lead and came through in amazing fashion.

We had a last-minute addition at the end. Abby L, who cheers at home, worked with a cheer group here in Brest. They came and did a brief exhibition at the end.

All-in-all, it was a magnificent performance, one of which the students can forever be proud. We teachers are incredibly proud. More than one longtime host family commented that it ranked among the best shows created by the student groups.

We had a reception after. Then everyone was off to the fireworks to celebrate Le 14 juillet!

Just goofing off with danse bretonne

early reherasal

early reherasal

last lunch

early reherasal

spontaneous trio

Lili is into the Little Mermaid
And Lili begins the show.

1 comment:

  1. Pictures are wonderful. Can’t wait to see the videos!
