Wednesday, June 13, 2018

The first week is all about getting into a rhythm, getting used to the daily rituals of the family, discovering the expectations of classes, choosing afternoon activities and figuring out what to do with oneself between the end of school and arriving home. Oh, and there is the whole speaking and hearing only French all day, every day.

So, there aren’t a ton of photos at this point. We did have an orientation with the host families on Tuesday evening, so I’ll post some photos I created then.

For our afternoon activities, we have three groups; one is doing theatre with Loïc, another is doing improvisation with me (Michael), and the last is doing singing and dancing with Victoria.
Victoria is very excited about the various projects her group is doing. One group is doing choreography to a popular French song. Abi Farley created the choreography and Grace Bechdol is teaching it to the group. Both have backgrounds in dance. Victoria says it is working very well. I have created a short video of their first steps.

We have an excursion to Île de Batz (pronounced “ba”) on Friday. It’s an island off the northern coast of Brittany. Several of us are renting bicycles for the day. I can’t wait, it will be quite the adventure! I will post by Sunday at the latest.